To set your favorite shipping method(s) when placing orders on AliExpress or using Bestdealer Soucring, you just have to access the "Setting" page and click the "Shipping" tab.
Now you can set Shipping Method for Specific Products. Please note this feature only works for product source from Topdser suppliers.
Order Ship from Aliexpress
General Shipping Settings
In this interface, you will be able to choose your favorite shipping method by country.
You can select multiple shipping methods that will replace the previous one(s) if not available for a product.
First, choose which country you want to set preferences. Of course, you can set "Global". Then select which shipping methods you want to prioritize when placing orders on AliExpress. Meanwhile, you can set multiple shipping methods for one country.
You can select different countries you would like to set and select Preference Shipping Method(s) for it.
By the way, if you want to remove the setting for the country, please click"Delete" like the photo.
Advanced Shipping Settings
In the Advanced settings, you will be able to choose your favorite shipping method by country according to the "Shipping Days" or the "Shipping Cost". First, select the country you want to set.
Then enter maximum days you can accept for shipping, and the maximum cost you can accept for shipping.
Let's take this as an example
With these settings, for each of your orders for the United States, Topdser will automatically choose a shipping method that will deliver your product in less than 20 days or for less than 4 USD. Don't forget to Save!
Please note:
-If several shipping methods are available with those criteria, we will select the cheapest one basing on Aliexpress shipping.
-If there are no shipping methods available with those criteria, the shipping method box of this order will be left empty and you will have to choose a suitable shipping method.
Order Ship from Bestdealer:
The shiping settings of Bestdealer order is the same as AliExpress order.
General Shipping Settings
In this interface, you will be able to choose your favorite shipping method by country.
You can select multiple shipping methods that will replace the previous one(s) if not available for a product.
Advanced Shipping Settings
In the Advanced settings, you will be able to choose your favorite shipping method by country according to the "Shipping Days" or the "Shipping Cost".
Note: Shipping method for Aliexpress and Bestdealer are separated and can not be used together. Aliexpress shipping is for order source from AliExpress supplier only.